Programming Sound Cards
Programming Sound Cards.iso
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Assembly Source File
456 lines
Model compact
;| IBM-PC(tm) compatible programmer's DMA library |
;| Version 2.0 by Christopher M. Box |
;| Version 1.1 copyright (C) 1992, Heath I Hunnicutt |
;| Thanks to: Gary Nemirovsky, Heath I Hunnicutt |
;| This document is for free public distribution. It is unlawful to |
;| sell this document, or any work based substantially upon it. |
;| int dma_setup(int Channel,char far *Buffer,unsigned Length,int Dir) |
;| int prevent_dma(int Channel) |
;| int allow_dma(int Channel) |
;| unsigned dma_count(int Channel) |
;| unsigned dma_addr(int Channel) |
;| int dma_errno |
;| char far *dma_errlist[] |
;| Ver 1.0 - Initial Release |
;| Ver 1.1 - Error checking and reporting added to all functions |
;| dma_setup(..) should never crash your system now. |
;| Ver 1.2 - Changed mode to auto-initialise (Mod. by CMB) |
;| Ver 2.0 - Major changes to deal with 2nd DMA controller (by CMB) |
Status EQU 08h ;DMAC status port (read) \ same port
Command EQU 08h ;DMAC command port (write) / (read/write)
Request EQU 09h ;DMAC channel request (write-only)
DMA_Mask EQU 0Ah ;DMAC DMA_Mask (write-only)
Mode EQU 0Bh ;DMAC mode (write)
byte_ptr EQU 0Ch ;byte pointer flip-flop
addr EQU 000h ; per-channel base address
count EQU 001h ; per-channel byte count
read_cmd EQU 048h ; read mode
write_cmd EQU 044h ; write mode
read_cmd EQU 058h ; autoinitialising read
write_cmd EQU 054h ; auto write
set_cmd EQU 000h ; DMA_Mask set (enable dma)
reset_cmd EQU 004h ; DMA_Mask reset (disable)
; dma controller page register table
; this table maps from channel number to the i/o port number of the
; page register for that channel
page_table DW 00087h ; channel 0
DW 00083h ; channel 1
DW 00081h ; channel 2
DW 00082h ; channel 3
DW 0ffffh ; ch 4 (not used)
DW 0008Bh ; ch 5
DW 00089h ; ch 6
DW 0008Ah ; ch 7
dmac2 DB 0 ; Flag set to non-zero when using the 2nd DMA controller
; "Extra" messages are for future compatability with the Virtual DMA
; specification.
DMA_E1 DB "Region not in contiguous memory.",0
DMA_E2 DB "Region crossed a physical alignment boundary.",0
DMA_E3 DB "Unable to lock pages.",0
DMA_E4 DB "No buffer available.",0
DMA_E5 DB "Region too large for buffer.",0
DMA_E6 DB "Buffer currently in use.",0
DMA_E7 DB "Invalid memory region.",0
DMA_E8 DB "Region was not locked.",0
DMA_E9 DB "Number of physical pages greater than table length.",0
DMA_EA DB "Invalid buffer ID.",0
DMA_EB DB "Copy out of buffer range.",0
DMA_EC DB "Invalid DMA channel number.",0
DMA_ED DB "Buffer not word-aligned.",0
_dma_errlist DD DMA_E0, DMA_E1, DMA_E2, DMA_E3, DMA_E4, DMA_E5, DMA_E6, DMA_E7,\
_dma_errno DW 0
;char near *dma_errlist[]
;int dma_errno
PUBLIC _dma_errlist,_dma_errno
MACRO zero reg
xor reg,reg
ENDM zero
MACRO adjust reg ; Adjust register port for 2nd DMA cont
local no_adjust
cmp [dmac2], 0
jz no_adjust
shl reg,1
add reg,0C0h
ENDM adjust
PUBLIC _dma_setup,_prevent_dma,_allow_dma,_dma_count,_dma_addr
;| int dma_setup(int Channel,char far *Buffer,unsigned Length,int Dir) |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Channel = 0-7 |
;| Buffer = Address of data to transfer |
;| Length = Length of data to transfer |
;| Dir = Direction to move bytes. 1 == Out to the BUS (TO the card) |
;| 0 == In from the BUS and cards. |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Returns: 0 if no errors (dma_errno == 0) |
;| -1 if errors occurred (dma_errno set to indicate error.) |
PROC _dma_setup
push bp
mov bp,sp
push bx cx dx si di
mov [_dma_errno],0
;Convert seg:ofs Buffer to 20-bit physical address
;Assumes operating in 8086/real-Mode
mov bx,[WORD PTR Buffer]
mov ax,[WORD PTR Buffer+2]
mov cl,4
rol ax,cl
mov ch,al
and al,0F0h
add ax,bx
adc ch,0
and ch,0Fh
mov di,ax
; (ch << 16) + di == The physical buffer base.
; Check channel number range
mov [dmac2],0
mov bx,[Channel]
cmp bx,7
jbe @@Set_base
mov [_dma_errno],0Ch
mov ax,-1
jmp @@ExitPt
cmp bx,4
jb @@OkChannel
sub bx,4
inc [dmac2]
@@OkChannel: ; BX contains the adjusted channel number
;Determine which command byte will be written later
cmp [WORD PTR Dir],0
jnz SHORT @@Do_Read
mov al,write_cmd
jmp short @@Do_Mode
mov al,read_cmd
add al,bl
zero ah
mov si,ax
mov ax,set_cmd ;allow dma requests
add al,bl
mov cl,al
;si contains READ/WRITE command for DMA controller
;cl contains confirmation command for DMA controller
shl bx,1
;bx == Port # Channel*2
; Calculations have been done ahead of time to minimize time with
; interrupts disabled.
; ch:di == physical base address (must be on word boundary for 16 bits)
; cl == Confirmation command (Unmasks the channel)
; bx == I/O port Channel*2 (This is where the address is written)
; si == Mode command for DMA
mov ax,di ;Let's check the address to see if we
add ax,[Len] ;span a page boundary with our length
jnc @@BoundaryOk ;Do we?
mov [_dma_errno],2 ; y: Error #2
mov ax,-1 ; Return -1
jmp @@ExitPt ; See ya...
@@BoundaryOk: ; n: Continue with action
; Now we shift the address and word count right one bit if in 16 bit mode.
cmp [dmac2],0
jz @@AddrOk
shr ch,1
rcr di,1
shl ch,1
jc @@BadAddr
rcr [Len],1 ;Odd byte lengths are rounded down
jmp @@AddrOk
mov [_dma_errno],13 ;Word-alignment error message
mov ax,-1
jmp @@ExitPt
cli ;Disable interrupts while mucking with DMA
;The "byte pointer" is also known as the LSB/MSB flip flop.
;By writing any value to it, the DMA controller registers are prepared
;to accept the address and length values LSB first.
mov dx,byte_ptr ;Reset byte pointer Flip/flop
adjust dx
out dx,al ;All we have to do is write to it
mov ax,di ;ax=LSW of 20-bit address
mov dx,bx ;dx=DMAC Base Address port
adjust dx
out dx,al ;Store LSB
mov al,ah
out dx,al ;Store next byte
;Write length to port (Channel*2 + 1)
mov ax,[Len]
mov dx,bx
inc dx ;dx=DMAC Count port
adjust dx
out dx,al ;Write LSB of Length
mov al,ah
out dx,al ;Write MSB
mov bx,[Channel]
shl bx,1
mov dx,[bx + OFFSET page_table] ;dx=page register port
mov al,ch ;al=Page number
out dx,al ;Store the page
mov dx,Mode ;dx=DMAC mode register
adjust dx
mov ax,si ;Load pre-calculated mode
out dx,al ;Write it to the DSP
mov dx,DMA_Mask ;dx=DMAX DMA_Mask register
adjust dx
mov al,cl ;al=pre-calulated DMA_Mask value
out dx,al ;Write DMA_Mask (allow dma on this channel)
mov ax,0 ;Return with no error
@@ExitPt: ;Restore stack and return
pop di si dx cx bx
pop bp
ENDP _dma_setup
;| int prevent_dma(int Channel) |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Channel = 0-7 |
;| Prevents DMA requests from Channel by masking bit in DMA_C. |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Returns 0 if Ok, -1 and sets dma_errno on error |
PROC _prevent_dma
ARG Channel:Word
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax, reset_cmd ; Disable DMA requests
Send_ax_mask: ; Jump here from _allow_dma
push dx
mov [_dma_errno],0
; Check channel number range
mov [dmac2],0
mov bx,[Channel]
cmp bx,7
jbe @@Set_base
mov [_dma_errno],0Ch
mov ax,-1
jmp @@Exit_Pt
cmp bx,4
jb @@OkChannel
sub bx,4
inc [dmac2]
mov dx,DMA_Mask
adjust dx
add ax,bx ; Add the adjusted channel number
out dx,al
mov ax,0
pop dx
pop bp
ENDP _prevent_dma
;| int allow_dma(int Channel) |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Channel = 0-7 |
;| Unmasks DMA on the specified channel. |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Returns 0 if Ok, -1 and sets dma_errno on error |
PROC _allow_dma
ARG Channel:Word
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,set_cmd
jmp Send_ax_mask
ENDP _allow_dma
;| int dma_count(Channel) |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Channel = 0-7 |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Returns: -1 if DMA transaction completed |
;| (It returns the number of bytes/words left to transfer) |
;| dma_errno == 0 if no error, otherwise equals error number |
PROC _dma_count
ARG Channel:Word
push bp
mov bp,sp
push dx
; Check channel number range
mov [dmac2],0
mov bx,[Channel]
cmp bx,7
jbe @@Set_base
mov [_dma_errno],0Ch
mov ax,-1
jmp @@Exit_Pt
cmp bx,4
jb @@OkChannel
sub bx,4
inc [dmac2]
mov dx,bx
shl dx,1
add dx,count
adjust dx
in al,dx
mov ah,al
in al,dx
xchg al,ah
pop dx
popf ; re-enables interrupts
pop bp
ENDP _dma_count
;| unsigned dma_addr(Channel) |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Channel = 0-7 |
;| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;| Returns: Current address word of that channel |
;| Value must be multiplied by 2 for a 16-bit channel. |
;| It is best to start at offset 0, ie on a 64K boundary |
;| dma_errno == 0 if no error, otherwise equals error number |
PROC _dma_addr
ARG Channel:Word
push bp
mov bp,sp
push dx
; Check channel number range
mov [dmac2],0
mov bx,[Channel]
cmp bx,7
jbe @@Set_base
mov [_dma_errno],0Ch
mov ax,-1
jmp @@Exit_Pt
cmp bx,4
jb @@OkChannel
sub bx,4
inc [dmac2]
mov dx,bx
shl dx,1
adjust dx
in al,dx
mov ah,al
in al,dx
xchg al,ah
pop dx
pop bp
ENDP _dma_addr
; The following routine is not part of the DMA code, but lives
; in this file for convenience.
; Reset routine for Soundblaster
SbIOaddr EQU 0220h
public _dsp_reset
PROC _dsp_reset
mov al,1
mov dx,SbIOaddr
add dx,6
out dx,al
in al,dx ; Wait 4 microsecs
in al,dx ; Each IO port read takes 1 microsec
in al,dx ; on a standard ISA bus
in al,dx
mov al,0
out dx,al
add dx,8 ; DX = Data available port
mov cx,100
in al,dx
test al,80h
jnz @@Data_Avail
loop @@Wait
jmp @@Exit_no_sb
sub dx,4 ; DX = Data read port
in al,dx
cmp al,0AAh
je @@Exit_sb
add dx,4
loop @@Wait
mov ax,1
mov ax,0
ENDP _dsp_reset